Tuesday, July 8, 2008

From the desk of Bruce Roberts

Bruce Roberts is a yacht designer who has the same vision as I. He likes big, fast, roomy yachts. Although I hadn't spent a lot of time familiarizing myself with his work, I found that a quick jaunt to Bruce Robert's website provided a number of drawings and photos of features that I like for the FLASH.

The "poop stern" offers volume and easy passageways below. I also want a deck saloon. The FLASH version of this design would offer a sugar scoop transom and a hydraulic swim platform/dinghy storage (more about this later).
One design element I really like is the small twin chair/table setting in the deck saloon...

Here is an unfinished hull/cabin done in aluminum. It's his "DS 495" and what I was looking for in a design for the FLASH. I'm willing to give up the wraparound windows (note to Rob) because this look works so well.

Starting to get excited about this again. OooooWeeeee.


1st Mate said...

Oh, yeah, I really like that cozy tea-for-two at the wheel idea. Let's do that!

rob said...

Bruce Roberts is really something else I love his boats and was looking to buy a self built 63 but as Im 65yo I have ended up buying another Princess (45) Yawn! I would love a sail boat but!!!! Ho Hum maybe later on :o))

MxSailor said...

Later on when you're younger?? Like to know how you do that... One consideration I'm making is, how well would this boat work without the stick, if I'm too old to deal with sails... convert it to a stinkpot?